I've been planting onions, more garlic, radishes, beets, lettuce, spinach, you name it. We have so much to plant, I can't possibly keep up. We are trying to use an "Earthway" seeder, but I think the results are mixed. I'll have to see when things start coming up, but it didn't seem like it seeded the radishes the way I would have liked. I guess I'll decide in a week or so when the other veggies start coming up. I will say that it certainly is faster. It may also be that the part of the garden that I am seeding was tilled early, and, therefore, the soil did not get tilled as finely as I would have liked.
The turkey hunting in the morning has been so peaceful, but I think it wears me out and spins my mood a little bit. We wake up at about 3:00 am, make a big breakfast, and drive about an hour to where we hunt. We walk into the woods in the dark, listening to the turkeys gobbling in the trees. We set up and wait for the sun to rise. We didn't see any turkeys on Friday, but we saw deer and elk. We heard plenty of turkeys though. We are hoping tomorrow morning blesses us with a bird.
Of course, the real reason I am out is to sit in the forest at dawn with Colleen and watch the world wake up. To sit silently in God's natural cathedral, and welcome a fresh, new day.