Then on April 15th turkey and bear season opens. I'm excited about turkey season. Bear season I could take or leave. Some of my friends swear that bear sausage is the best thing they've ever eaten in their lives. Some of the older gals I know say that bear lard is the best for making pies. I don't know. I've never taken a bear. I've never taken a turkey either for that matter.
I could have shot a bear on opening day of deer and elk season two years ago, but I was more interested in elk and not in spending the weekend dealing with a bear. I'll probably go out once or twice for bear. I'll bring my Marlin lever action 45-70. It is the perfect bear rifle.
Turkey I'll probably go out as much as I can. I love walking in the woods in the pre-dawn listening to the turkeys gobble in the trees. It's fun to learn a new kind of hunting, but it can also be frustrating. Going out and not being successful. But, it's not like fishing for bluegills. If it were easy, everyone would do it
I've got places where I know there are both turkeys and bear. Now I just have to make sure I'm in good enough physical shape that I don't over exert myself alone in the woods.
Nothing like eating wild turkey! Can't say I've ever tried bear though. Good hunting.!