Saturday, October 29, 2011

The list

We have lots of chores around the farm. Doing dishes, washing diapers, milking goats, collecting eggs. The list is pretty much endless. Every morning I generate a list on the computer of all the tasks I want to get accomplished that day. As I go through the day, I highlight, on the computer, each of the chores I complete. Of course, more ideas are added throughout the day. It’s a great way to keep track of my day-what I want to get done, what I have gotten done. Anyway, it works for me.

I was reading a blog yesterday that really shook up my way of thinking about my list. In the blog, SteadyMOM, points out that the most important chore of the day is to provide a sense of peace in the home. When all is said and done, our children will not remember whether the dishes were always done or whether the goats got milked on time. They will, I hope, remember that our home was a place of peace.

So, I have begun putting some new chores on my list. “Practice Peace” has taken a place at the top of the list. Cuddling with my wife and child has been dedicated some time. There are items which are no longer just things I want to do if all the chores are done. They are priorities. They are on the list and at the top of the list.

I find that when my attitude is one of peace and acceptance my day seems a lot less overwhelming. Nothing has changed; goats still need to be milked, dishes need to be done, diapers need to be washed, but these tasks can be joyful and prayerful times. Instead of dreading milking the goats in the cold and dark, I can look forward to some peaceful alone time in the barn. Just me and the goats.

Attitude is everything. Blessings.

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