Saturday, March 17, 2012


I am on a road trip with a great group of friends to a really spiritual, "recovery" related convention in Utah. What a fantastic time. Lots of great speakers and workshops. We are laughing and fellowshiping and having a grand old time.

It's neat to get away from the farm for a couple of days. It is so hard to get away when you have so many animals. What a treat. Jenny and her sister are at home watching the farm.

The convention is really reminding me to bring it back to basics as far as my recovery from past alcohol issues are concerned.

I know I don't talk about recovery much on this blog although it is a central feature of my spiritual life. I prefer to stick to writing about the farm, my family, and my spirituality. I guess it's hard to say where one thing begins and another ends.

The life I have been given through Grace is so amazing. It does not seem possible that I could've arrived at where I am from where I was. I never imagined a life like this was in store for me. What a miracle. I am so truly blessed.

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